Learn more about optometry care in our blog!
For some people, it’s easy to brush off the feeling when they get hurt. Sometimes, you tell yourself you can handle the issue, and it can wait until tomorrow. But many times, you’re mistaken. Immediate medical attention is necessary for true emergencies.
Eye diseases are pretty common, and they can go unnoticed for a long time. Some conditions don’t even have symptoms at first.
According to Prevent Blindness America, eye conditions are some of the costliest chronic ailments in the country. Only surgeries for serious eye conditions like cataracts are covered by vision insurance.
The American Optometric Association always stresses the importance of keeping your eyes healthy. With the pandemic still at large, many people often forget the importance of eye and vision health.
Experts say that WSD marks a huge achievement for eye health. The IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness) recognizes that this gathering aims to make eye care a fundamental component of universal healthcare.
So, you need glasses. One of the things that people find most overwhelming about being told that they need glasses isn’t the fact that they need help to see clearly, but actually choosing the right glasses to wear.
It will probably come as no surprise to learn that our use of digital devices has increased dramatically over the last decade. Whether it is working on laptops or computers, gaming, watching television or communicating with people on social media, many of us spend a large percentage of our lives looking at screens.
Research has shown that spending long hours in the sun without protecting your eyes can considerably increase your chances of developing certain eye diseases. Nevertheless, many of us fail to remember that protection for our eyes is just as important as protection for our skin.
If you are concerned about the impact of aging on your face, you may be considering cosmetic treatments to address issues such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dull, dry, and unhealthy-looking skin. While there are many options available, an increasing number of patients are turning to one of the most innovative and effective, non-invasive ways of achieving skin rejuvenation - TempSureⓇ .
Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of Americans every year. Dry eyes can occur if you don’t have adequate quality tears to nourish your eyes. People who develop dry eyes either do not produce sufficient tears for lubrication or their tears are of poor quality or a combination of both. This condition can make your eyes feel uncomfortable, and, in some instances, lead to vision problems.