How a Back-to-school Eye Exam Can Change Your Child's School Year  

If you rely on school vision screenings to understand your child's vision health, you should  reconsider.  Vision screenings often miss common disorders of the visual system that can be detected in a thorough eye examination at the optometrist”s office.  Therefore, a visit to the eye doctor before the beginning of the school year is advised for every child. It is one of the best ways to ensure your child's vision is at its best. What does a comprehensive eye exam do for a child? Here are some reasons to make it a priority.


Improved Performance


A child learns about 80 percent of everything through vision alone. Vision issues will significantly impair your child's learning abilities. They will struggle to keep up with teachers in class. It means they will learn slower than they should. Their performance will begin to suffer, and this will, in turn, affect their self-esteem.


If you want your child to perform well, do everything you can to support them. One of the ways you can do this is to ensure that their vision is excellent. If your child has vision issues, the eye doctor can prescribe eyewear to help them.


Reading Abilities


Some children may suffer from conditions like astigmatism but cannot tell they have a problem. They may assume that how they see is how everyone sees. According to experts, one in four children has an undiagnosed vision problem. It occurs because the problem will often not be noticeable to the parents or the child.


But if your child has any vision issues, you can improve their reading fluency by getting them glasses.




Children are very active when they are with their friends at school. They engage in all types of games and play that are healthy for their brain, social well-being, and health. If your child has a vision problem, they may find participating in these games with their friends challenging. They may feel like outcasts, which is detrimental to their mental health.


A professional eye doctor will spot a vision problem and administer the proper treatment. Good vision will not only help them play with their friends, but it will also help them develop the visual abilities necessary for a quality life.


Preventative Care


Most schools have gone digital recently, meaning your child will spend a lot of time in front of a screen. They may be susceptible to the effects of blue light. If you take them to an eye doctor, they may say that they experience symptoms like eyestrain and headaches after using digital devices.


The eye doctor may prescribe blue light filtering glasses so they can study uninterrupted. Blue light also affects the quality of sleep. With blue light blockers, they will have enough rest to take on each day.


Vision Skills


A comprehensive eye exam will help an eye doctor measure your child's vision skills. These are eye focusing, tracking, and coordination. These vision skills are essential for everyday life, and developing them ensures the child has a good quality of life.


For more on back-to-school eye exams, call Perceptions Eye Health & Wellness at (910) 400-1215 to reach our office in Southport, North Carolina.

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